Art Painting Place in Avezzano | Место в Авеццано | La place à Avezzano | Lugar en Avezzano
Art Painting Place in Avezzano | Место в Авеццано | La place à Avezzano | Lugar en Avezzano Art Painting Place in Avezzano | Место в Авеццано | La place à Avezzano | Lugar en Avezzano Art Painting Place in Avezzano | Место в Авеццано | La place à Avezzano | Lugar en Avezzano Art Painting Place in Avezzano | Место в Авеццано | La place à Avezzano | Lugar en Avezzano Art Painting Place in Avezzano | Место в Авеццано | La place à Avezzano | Lugar en Avezzano

Place in Avezzano

The painting "Place in Avezzano" possesses not only artistic value but also a unique depiction of the morning moment, which may be of interest to collectors and art enthusiasts.
Creation date: 2007

Size: Height: 50  cm Width: 50  cm
Recommended price:140000 USD
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About the Painting

In paintings, as in works of art, the artist often manages to capture moments of life that seem ephemeral but at the same time are full of deep meaning. "Place in Avezzano" is not just a painting of a morning city; it is a window into the world of awakening streets, sounds, and emotions.

According to the artist on the Gostev's Fine Art website:

The painting "Place in Avezzano" depicts an early morning in the Italian sailors' town of Avezzano. The sun has just risen, melting the night chill, and the day promises to be hot, yet a still-clothed woman stepped out in the morning to see the awakening Avezzano.

- Anatoli Gostev

Impression of the Painting

The painting is executed swiftly, as if in one breath, where even the uncovered areas of the canvas take their rightful place. "Place in Avezzano" seems to create a window into the cool, morning air of the Italian sailors' town.

An early morning in Avezzano symbolizes the beginning of a new day, new opportunities, and hopes. The newly risen sun adds a visual warm accent to the painting, symbolizing bright prospects and optimism.

The figure of a woman stepping out of the house adds a human touch to the work, creating a sense of presence, participation in this moment. Her morning exit may symbolize the beginning of a new day, a new stage in life, or simply an act of contemplation of the morning beauty of the city.

"Place in Avezzano" is not just an image but also a feeling, a memory of moments that we can miss if we do not stop and look around with an open mind and heart.

History of the Painting

The creation of the painting was completed by the artist Anatoli Gostev in 2007. The technique with which the work is painted seems to emphasize the fleetingness of the moment - brushstrokes, like a firm gaze, capturing the magical moment. The open areas of the canvas give the work dynamism and liveliness, as if visualizing the movement and breath of the city.

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Participation in Exhibitions

In 2021, the painting "Place in Avezzano" was presented at the ART Climate Change exhibition, Novum Investments in Switzerland, Basel. Anatoli Gostev participated as a special, honorary guest.

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Owner of the Painting

The only original painting "Place in Avezzano" in the world is privately owned. The artist's copyright applies to the painting in terms of the eternal right to authorship of a unique work of art. The painting is signed by the artist on the front and back.

Sale of the Painting

The painting can be purchased if a decision is made to sell. We guarantee the deposit of funds until the painting is transferred to the future investor and owner. If you are interested in investing in the painting "Place in Avezzano," please contact us.

Value of the Painting

Investing in a work of art is always a winning investment of capital, also because it is an investment in the emotionality and contemplation of a masterpiece. Also, with a high probability, paintings by the artist Anatoli Gostev will increase in value by more than 1000%.