Art Painting Tolya's corner | Картина Толин угол | Angle de Tolik | El rincón de Toly
Art Painting Tolya's corner | Картина Толин угол | Angle de Tolik | El rincón de Toly Art Painting Tolya's corner | Картина Толин угол | Angle de Tolik Art Painting Tolya's corner | Картина Толин угол | Angle de Tolik Art Painting Tolya's corner | Картина Толин угол | Angle de Tolik | El rincón de Toly Art Painting Tolya's corner | Картина Толин угол | Angle de Tolik | El rincón de Toly

Tolya's corner

The painting "Tolya's corner" is a reminiscence of the art studio in Cubist style, infused with nostalgic memories of the time when the artist was searching for his own painting style.
Date of creation: 2011.

Size: Height: 60  cm Width: 60  cm
Recommended price:150000 USD
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Painting - a Memory.

The painting is a recollection of the artist's studio many years later. Here's what Anatoli Gostev shared about the inspiration behind the painting:

This painting is a memory of my studio, of the quest for expressiveness and the beauty of everyday things. At my first exhibition in Germany, I showcased several dozen paintings, all stemming from that initial studio of mine, marking my early attempts to remove literature from painting. After the vernissage, Gisela Schröder (the gallery owner) remarked, 'TolYa, address the public not just to showcase your paintings, but to articulate your own thoughts.'

Today, I feel a connection between my recent works and those initial explorations, but my thoughts have evolved since then. Today, expressiveness for me is not the passion manifested in movement, but in the structure of the painting, where every part, its composition, the combination of color surfaces, the placement of objects, and the pauses in between, are equally valuable. It's akin to musical harmony, where each note is a part of the whole.

A few years ago, Gisela Schröder said, 'TolYa, you had a CORNER in your studio where you brewed coffee; I still remember it... after all these years.'

- Anatoli Gostev

Impression of the Painting.

This corner, where the artist brewed coffee and prepared food, became a symbol not only of his creativity but also of the time spent searching for his voice in art. Looking at this painting, one can feel the pulse of the past and that internal connection of the artist with himself, which permeates all his works. "Tolya's corner" has become an integral part of Anatoli Gostev's identity as an artist and sheds light on how his ideas and views on art have changed over time.

A cubist composition with a subtle undertone of sensuality in the form of a water tap also hints at a certain disorderliness of life in that bygone era, yet one that has become precious and nostalgic for the artist. This unique painting is perceived as an individual bridge through time. The artist's son reminisces:

My father arranged this corner himself. He put ceramic tiles on the concrete wall and made one row out of mirrors. On the right was a small electric stove. The sink was old, made of metal covered with ceramic, and the only tap with cold water protruded from the wall. My father put a pink and white water filter on it. There is much connected with this corner in the studio, and I remember every detail well. Part of my childhood passed there. This painting by my father is filled with a frozen fragment of time. It's like a bridge to Studio 46A.

History of the Painting.

The painting "Tolya's corner" was completed by the artist in 2011. The artist was certain of the completeness of the painting.

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Participation in Exhibitions.

In 2021, the painting "Tolya's corner" was featured in the ART Climate Change exhibition, Novum Investments in Basel, Switzerland, where Anatoli Gostev participated as a special honorary guest.

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The one-of-a-kind original painting "Tolya's corner" by Anatoli Gostev is privately owned. The artist's copyright extends to the perpetual right of authorship of this unique work of art.

Sale of the Painting.

The painting is signed by the artist on the front and back and can only be purchased through the Gostevs Fine Art if a decision to sell is made. We guarantee the deposit of funds and the transfer of the painting to the future investor and owner.

Value of the Painting.

Investing in a piece of art that you love is always a sound capital investment. With a high probability, the value of paintings by Anatoli Gostev will increase by more than 1000% annually, making it a valuable asset.