Art Painting After the storm | После шторма | Après la tempête | Después de la tormenta
Art Painting After the storm | После шторма | Après la tempête Art Painting After the storm | После шторма | Après la tempête Art Painting After the storm | После шторма | Après la tempête Art Painting After the storm | После шторма | Après la tempête | Después de la tormenta Art Painting After the storm | После шторма | Après la tempête | Después de la tormenta

After the storm

The painting, landscape "After the Storm," acts as a guiding star, reminding us of the importance of hope and tranquility after trials.
Creation Date: 2014

Size: Height: 44  cm Width: 55  cm
Recommended price from:160000 USD
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About the Painting

After the Storm brings to life not only the image of houses bathed in the glow of the setting sun, but also the idea of inner peace and tranquility. This painting resonates with the melody of renewal, rebirth, and hope, awakened after the whirlwind of the elements.

Here's how the artist described the painting on the Gostev's Fine Art website:

After the Storm depicts a state of calm and serenity in a city bathed in the light of the setting sun. The elements have passed, and the ensuing silence instills hope. One can step out of shelter, settle into a chair, and, gazing at the rays of the setting sun, dream about the day ahead.

- Anatoli Gostev

Impression of the Painting

The landscape, enveloped in the light of the setting sun, symbolizes the possibility of a new beginning, a new stage in life. The silence that follows the storm creates an atmosphere of tranquility and rebirth, inspiring creativity and new achievements.

The artist, belonging to the true masters of his craft, embodies not only the beauty of the moment on canvas but also his inner world, thoughts, feelings, and emotions. His unique style reflects his unique personality and cultural heritage.

The painting serves as a guiding star, reminding us of the importance of hope, inner peace, and the ability to undergo internal transformation after trials.

History of the Painting

The creation of the painting "After the Storm" was completed by the artist in 2014. While the painting "After the Storm" awaits dividend growth, there will always be a place in the future owner's space to bask in the rays of the sunset after the storm.

After the Storm

Participation in Exhibitions

In 2021, the painting "After the Storm" was featured at the ART Climate Change exhibition, Novum Investments in Switzerland, Basel. Anatoli Gostev participated as a special honorary guest.

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Anatoli Gostev belonged to a fading era of true artists, for whom the process of creating painting through the prism of reflection and feelings had the greatest meaning in life. A unique artist with an incomparable style.


The only original painting "After the Storm" by Anatoli Gostev in the world is privately owned. The artist's copyright applies to the painting in terms of the eternal right of authorship of a unique work of art. The painting is signed by the artist on the front and back.

Sale of the Painting

The painting can be purchased if a decision to sell is made. We guarantee the deposit of funds until the painting is transferred to the future investor and owner. If you are interested in investing in the painting "After the Storm," please contact us.

Value of the Painting

Purchasing the painting can be a highly promising investment, also due to being an investment in the emotional and contemplative nature of a masterpiece. Additionally, with a high degree of probability, Anatoli Gostev's paintings will increase in value by more than 1000%.