Painting - Reflection  | Картина - Отражение | Reflexión
Painting - Reflection  | Картина - Отражение | Reflexión Painting - Reflection  | Картина - Отражение | Reflexión


Author Shevan Anna Back

Painting, Reflection | contemporary painting
Creation date 2019

Size: Height: 62  cm Width: 36  cm
Recommended price:3900 USD
votes, average
out of 5)

History of the painting.

Reflection was completed by Anna Shevan in 2019. In search of the concept of the painting, the artist Anna Shevan was inspired by an attempt to realize herself, her own image.

Anna Shevan

Impression of the picture.

Combination of simplicity of form and expression without imposing meaning, plot, pushing for reflection creates a feeling of lightness, speed and inspiration. According to the author, she herself served as inspiration. In a sense, the painting "Reflection" is a symbiosis of a self-portrait and an internal state. A very expressive work by the artist Anna Shevan.


The painting was not exhibited until 2022. Located in St. Petersburg.


The only original painting "Reflection" by Anna Shevan is in her private property. The painting is subject to copyright.

A painting for sale.

The painting is signed by the artist on the back and approved for sale. The painting can be purchased through the Gostevs Fine Art, which represents the artists, guarantees a deposit of funds until the transfer of the painting to the future investor and owner.

The investment value of the painting.

Expected increase in the price of the painting: from 10 to 50% over the next 5-6 years. According to experts, the young artist Anna Shevan undoubtedly has a talent for handling color and form at the very beginning of her career. Without a doubt, the painting "Reflection" will bring expression and modernity to any interior of the future owner.