Painting - New Horizont | Картина - Новый горизонт | Nouvel horizon | Nuevo horizonte
Painting - New Horizont | Картина - Новый горизонт | Nouvel horizon | Nuevo horizonte Painting - New Horizont | Картина - Новый горизонт | Nouvel horizon | Nuevo horizonte Painting - New Horizont | Картина - Новый горизонт | Nouvel horizon | Nuevo horizonte Painting - New Horizont | Картина - Новый горизонт | Nouvel horizon | Nuevo horizonte Painting - New Horizont | Картина - Новый горизонт | Nouvel horizon | Nuevo horizonte

New horizon

Painting, New Horizon | Abstract Art
The creation of the painting "New Horizon" was completed by Nemanja Vuckovic in 2021. The painting is signed by the artist on the back and approved for sale.

Größe: Höhe: 150  cm Breite: 250  cm
Preisempfehlung:5900 USD
votes, average
out of 5)

History of the painting.

The artist was inspired by the connection between the energy of nature and human energy in the search for the concept of the painting.

New Horizon in Kotor

Impressions of the painting.

Nemanja Vuckovic pushes the boundaries of expressive abstraction, paying special attention to stroke and color. Vuckovic, using controlled vertical strokes in combination with a more free and relaxed style, creates an exceptional sense of movement. These are big, bold steps that are clearly not connected to the visible nature of things, but to deeper emotions of existence that rise to the surface.


The painting was exhibited in Kotor in 2022. It is located in Serbia.


The only original painting of "New Horizon" by Nemanja Vuckovic is in his private ownership. The painting is protected by copyright.

Sale of the painting:

The painting is signed by the artist on the back and approved for sale. It can be purchased through the Gostevs Fine Art, which represents the artist, guarantees the deposit of funds until the painting is transferred to the future investor and owner.

Value of the painting:

Expected price increase: from 10 to 20% over the next 5-6 years. According to experts, painting for Vuckovic is movement, movement leaving a trace of free thought with the help of a hand that is only a tool. Undoubtedly, the painting "New Horizon" will bring energy and modernity to any interior of the future owner.