Painting - Boy with Apple on Head | Картина - мальчик с яблоками на голове | Niño con manzanas
Painting - Boy with Apple on Head | Картина - мальчик с яблоками на голове | Niño con manzanas Painting - Boy with Apple on Head | Картина - мальчик с яблоками на голове | Niño con manzanas Painting - Boy with Apple on Head | Картина - мальчик с яблоками на голове | Niño con manzanas Painting - Boy with Apple on Head | Картина - мальчик с яблоками на голове | Niño con manzanas

Boy with apples

Painting, Boy with apples | contemporary painting
Creation date 2013

Größe: Höhe: 50  cm Breite: 50  cm
Preisempfehlung:4900 USD
votes, average
out of 5)

History of the painting.

The creation of the painting "Boy with Apples" was completed by Anna Shevan in 2013. In search of the concept for the painting, the artist was inspired by the works of photographer Sylvester Hans.

Sylvester Hans

Impressions of the painting.

The combination of simplicity of form and purity in painting without imposing meaning, plot, or prompting reflection creates a masterpiece whose name is beauty. It is precisely in this arrangement that the individual space of the future owner of the painting arises - their own space for fantasy and contemplation, admiration for the uniqueness of color combinations and the uniqueness of forms. A magnificent work, one of the best of the artist Anna Shevan.


The painting was not exhibited until 2022. It is located in St. Petersburg.


The only original of the painting "Boy with Apples" by Anna Shevan is in her private possession. The artist's copyright applies to the painting in terms of the eternal right of authorship of a unique work of art.

Sale of the painting:

The painting is signed by the artist on the back and approved for sale. The painting can be purchased through the Gostevs Fine Art, which represents the artist, guarantees the deposit of funds until the painting is transferred to the future investor and owner.

Value of the painting:

According to experts, the young artist Anna Shevan undoubtedly possesses talent in handling color and form at the very beginning of her creative path. Undoubtedly, the painting "Boy with Apples" will bring beauty and modernity to any interior of the future owner.