
Zhivoin Chelich

Zhivoin Chelich, artist

Zhivoin Chelich, artist, writer, composer, was born in Serbia. The first solo exhibition was held in Croatia in 1969. In the 80’s he left for Holland where graduated the Fine Arts Academy AKI – Enschede, the painting and drawing department in class of prof. Kars Person and prof. Sipke Huismans (director of the academy at the time). The 5 year academy course he completed in 3 semesters.

Energy Paintings

The art of Zhivoin Chelich is based on Serbian and Bisantian Orthodox tradition. His own method of painting which is known as Energy Paintings and is being studied in official art academies in Europe Celic presented for the first time in Holland in 1991. What makes it original is that the paintings change under the influence of the natural daylight.

Since 2013 Zhivoin Chelich lives and works in Belgrade, Serbia.

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